Summer School on Mono-materials: functional behavior through geometric design – transformed to a Symposium!

Mai 22, 2024

Circular Design Challenge 2024! Summer School on Mono-materials: functional behavior through geometric design - transformed into symposium for fall 2024!

TU Dresden
Dresden, May 22, 2024

The summer school on Monomaterial is currently being redesigned into a symposium for the end of 2024 and you can find updates on this website soon!

Join us in Dresden this september for an inspiring research schoon on Mono-Materials, focusing on the functional behavior of materials through innovative geometric design. This event will bring together leading experts from diverse fields to explore how mono-materials and architected materials can contribute to sustainable future applications.

Keynote Speakers and Workshop Leaders:

  • Prof. Benoit Roman (University Paris-Saclay)
  • Prof. Joanna Dauner (HTW, Dresden)
  • Prof. Axel Spickenheuer (IPF, Dresden)
  • Dr. Lorenzo Guiducci (DST, Dresden)
  • Facundo Gutierrez (Motorskins, Berlin)
  • Heidi Jalkh (University of Buenos Aires)
  • Mette Bak-Andersen
  • Matthew Gardiner (Ars Electronica, Linz)
  • Lea Schmidt (Hochschule Luzern)

About the Program: Our everyday products often use a mix of materials, complicating recycling and sustainability efforts. This summer school aims to address these challenges by showcasing research on mono-materials—materials with reduced compositional complexity—offering new opportunities for future applications.

Who Should Attend: We invite master’s and PhD students from disciplines such as Physics, Engineering, Materials Science, Architecture, and Product/Materials/Textile Design. Participants will engage in a highly stimulating, practice-based interdisciplinary environment, working on real-world applications of their knowledge and skills.

How to Apply: If you are passionate about materials, geometric modeling, digital fabrication, and sustainability, we want to hear from you! Send an introduction of yourself, including your background, past experiences, and motivations, to Deadline for application: June 30th 2024

Don’t miss this unique opportunity to collaborate with experts and peers in shaping the future of sustainable materials. Apply now and be one of the 30 selected participants to join us in Dresden!

This event is being redesigned as a symposium. For further information stay in touch or contact us via


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