Announcement Panel: Transforming Societies in the Polycrisis Era – Perspectives on Change and Leadership

Oktober 19, 2023
TU Dresden
Dresden, Okt.17, 2023

How are emerging technologies, digital culture, and new social norms impacting
governments, societies, science and individuals? What do these changes mean
for leaders? How can we decipher the complexities of transforming societies and
turn disruptions into opportunities?

Join renowned Digital Anthropologist Rahaf Harfoush and a panel of esteemed
interdisciplinary researchers, such as Solvejg Nitzke (TUDiSC, TU Dresden),
Merle Emre (CEO, Dresden International University) and Elizabeth von Hauff (Fraunhofer FEP, TU Dresden) for a dynamic discussion centered on the transformation of societies amidst our current polycrisis era. This panel will provide multiple perspectives on change and leadership. Furthermore, the participants are going to dissect methods of converting
disruptions into opportunities, utilizing digital tools to weave a diverse tapestry
of perspectives and provide an interdisciplinary take on leadership.

Following the panel discussion, all guests are invited to get together for
networking with fingerfood and drinks, organized by Women@DDc and sponsored by DRESDEN-concept.
Bring your partners and friends, everyone is welcome!

Rahaf Harfoush
Solvejg Nitzke
Merle Emre
Elizabeth von Hauff


06:30 PM
LocationDeutsches Hygiene-Museum Dresden, Großer Saal

For further information contact us:

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