Artificial Nose

Juni 16, 2023
TU Dresden
Dresden, 2023

The human sense of smell is an extremely efficient sensory system that has long inspired the search for an electronic analog. It was recognized early on that such an artificial nose would require the inclusion of human experience. The „Olfactorial Perceptronics“ research project funded by the Volkswagen Foundation, within the framework of which the workshop is being organized, has set itself the goal of creating an innovative link between electronic sensors and human perception. The project combines expert knowledge from various disciplines and is a collaboration between the Institute of Materials Science at the Technical University of Dresden, the Center for Smell and Taste and the Clinic for Psychotherapy and Psychosomatics at the Carl Gustav Carus University Hospital.

„The visionary concept of an artificial nose brings together physiological and psychological aspects of perception with the latest developments in electronics. A breakthrough in perception electronics, we are talking about perceptronics here, can only succeed in a concerted effort between science, technology and medicine that builds stringently on the latest advances in nanotechnology and artificial intelligence,“ says Prof. Gianaurelio Cuniberti, who is coordinating the project. According to Cuniberti, there are plans to establish a series of workshops in which progress in this dynamically developing field will be discussed at annual events.

Information for journalists:

Prof. Gianaurelio Cuniberti

Faculty of Mechanical Engineering

Tel.: 0351 463-31420


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